Monday, September 14, 2009


Our main goal is to systematize all aspects of our business so that we can continue to perfect how we do business and allow ourselves to expand.

What are systems? Systems are guides / operating procedures which help us provide a consistent product to our clients.

For example if I was writing systems for:

Creating an invoice:

I would type the following:

1. Open template file located at c:/mydocuments/buildPROS/formsandtemplates/invoice
2. Update business info if necessary and save to template
3. Insert date
4. Insert client info
5. Generate invoice number (refer to How to Create Invoice Number)
6. Always type in scope of work first
7. And so on until this task is completed....

Creating an estimate:

1. Visit site with checklist and estimator kit (See Estimator Kit)
2. Measure site
3. Complete checklist
4. Etc...

If you haven't done so already, create a folder called "systems" in my documents. Then create a subfolder for each task that you are systematizing... Each folder will contain word documents and excel charts for tracking of those tasks if necessary

The decision to make this a daily part of our routine was made after reading the E-myth

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